Donegal School District Board of Directors

(front row) Mr. Overlander, Mrs. Sturgis, Mrs. Love (back row) Mr. Markovits, Mrs. Castline, Mr. Melleby, Mrs. Good, Dr. Albert (not pictured) and Mr. Kling (not pictured).
(front row) Mr. Overlander, Mrs. Sturgis, Mrs. Love (back row) Mr. Markovits, Mrs. Castline, Mr. Melleby, Mrs. Good, Dr. Albert (not pictured) and Mr. Kling (not pictured).
Oliver C. Overlander, III -- President,
Timothy G. Markovits -- Vice-President,
Debra Sturgis -- Treasurer,
Dr. Lisa Albert,
Linda Good,
Janet Love,
Ron Melleby,
Faith Castline,
Ben Kling,
Stephanie Manuel -- Board Secretary
Contact the Board Secretary - Phone: 717-492-1302
*emails are first initial last
6 months ago
School Board Meetings
Dates and location of Board meetings for the calendar year are set by the School Board. Due to unforeseen circumstances, dates may need to be changed. All changes to the original schedule are posted in the District Office, on the website homepage and in the legal section of the Lancaster Newspaper.
Board meetings will be held once a month, July will have no meeting. Any changes to the schedule will be posted as soon as the schedule has been set. Meetings are open to the public and begin at 7:00 p.m. All meetings are held in the large group instruction room of the Donegal Primary School.
Sub Committee: Facilities Committee meetings are held on Mondays at 7:00 p.m. in the LGI of Donegal Primary School. Please check the calendar on this site for dates.
Public Participation at School Board Meetings
Any person or group wishing to make an official presentation to the Board must file a written request with the Board secretary at least seven days prior to a meeting. The request must include the name and address of the person making the request, organization represented if any, and content of the information to be presented. If written material is to be distributed, a copy of such must accompany the request.
In addition, specific questions to be asked or specific action desired of the Board should be listed. Information to be presented that is in the form of statements or charges that might be considered derogatory, or of another serious nature, must be presented in writing specifically stating the charges and made in affidavit form.
The public is invited to all School Board meetings and may address the Board provided the individual follows the established protocol for public comments, found in Board Policy 903.