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Ticket Prices:

Adults - $5.00 Students - $3.00

Senior Citizen Courtesy Card:

Donegal School District will issue a senior citizen courtesy card to any resident of the school district who is 62 years of age or older. The card will remain valid for as long as the person is a resident of the school district unless otherwise revoked by the Board of School Directors. The card may be used to provide free admission to athletic contests/events sponsored by the Donegal School District. For reserved seating/ limited admissions sold, it is necessary to obtain tickets in order to secure admission.

Senior citizens wishing to obtain a Courtesy Card should bring verification of age (driver's license, passport or other official document) to the Donegal High School office.

Hall of Fame

a year ago




1st Class - Inducted 9/2006
Jill Shupp Dooling
Eugene D. Funk
Sherri Kinsey Gorman
Roger L. Grove
Barry Hawkins
Drew Hostetter
Mitch Johnson
Colin Koser
Ray Livingston
Jay Metzler
Mike Sarbaugh
Don “Pop” Staley
Bruce Sutter
Sherry Derr Swope
Amy Westerman

1954-55 Basketball Team - Inducted 9/2006
Kenneth C. Depoe (coach)
Jim Grove
Carl Richard Hallgren
John E. Hiestand
Jim Kinsey
Alan Kugle
Jay C. Metzler
Peter Nissley
Donald R. Raber
James R. Shirk
Joseph Weber
James R. Wittel


2nd Class - Inducted 10/2007
Al Brooks
Donald Emenheiser
Tammy Flowers Hoffman
Kristopher G. McCue
Stephanie Derr Pinkney
Robert S. Sprout


3rd Class - Inducted 10/2008
John C. Brown
Suzanne Young Daily
Gayne Deshler
Stephanie Teleky Felix
Arlen W. Mummau
Walter V. Price, Jr.
Sarah J. Hamilton Retherford

1972 Field Hockey Team - Inducted 10/2008
Sue Gohn Champion
Kay Charles (coach)
Jill Shupp Dooling
Bonnie Arnold Hess
Lisbeth Hess
Dusty Drenner Hopes
Ann Marie Houseal
Deb Kelly
Debra M. Meckley
Sue Boyd Mowrer
Nancy B. Leninger Price
Vickie Greiner Reese
Julie Meszaros Smith
Martha Reynolds Venter (coach)
Joyce O. Zangari (coach)


4th Class - Inducted 10/2009
Tom Houseal
Pam Kolp
Joyce O. Zangari

1963 Football Team - Inducted 10/2009
Michael A. Aument, Sr.
David R. Baker
Paul Brady
Al Brooks (coach)
John C. Brown
Jon Dillinger
Johnson Ebersole
Barry Etsell
John E. Farmer
Donald R. Forry
Barry L. Funk
Gene Funk
Larry Gainer (manager)
Gary Gohn
John Gohn
Ralph R. Gohn
Dennis P. Goodhart
Gray Greiner
Roger L. Grove
John Hart
Jeff Hawthorne
Warren Hayman (trainer)
Rick Hean
Jim Hoffman
Paul Hossler
Michael Kear (manager)
Michael D. Lippold
Ron Lutz
Rudy Ney
Robert J. Pennell
Walt Price (coach)
Chris Sherk
James Shope
Michael Simmons
John Stehman
Paul Stehman
Raymond Sumpman
John Zerphey
Chuck Zimmerman


5th - Inducted 10/2010
Jack C. Frank
Donna J. Wittel Grove
Craig Johnson
Tony Myers
John N. Weidman

1979-80 Basketball Team - Inducted 10/2010
Marty Miller Daggett
Laureen Donovan
Beth Keffer Duke
Bill Earhart (coach)
Beth A. Gainer
Betsy Germer
Sherri Kinsey Gorman
Colleen Jones Hilliard
Judy Kerschner
Sharon R. Hershey Kreider
Tanya Merchant
Barbara Stoner
Sherry Derr Swope


6th Class - Inducted 10/2011
Mike Greiner
Suzanne O’Connor Smith
Shawn Snyder
Andrew Zuch

1977 Relay Team - Inducted 10/2011)
Daryl Houseal
Rudi Hufnagl (coach)
Richard S. Keener
Henry Klugh
Philip Mitzkavich


7th Class - Inducted 1/2013
Charles Ashenfelter
Austin Drager
Eric McCrady
Frank William Stellar, Jr.
Adrian M. White

2006 Softball Team -Inducted 1/2013
Ashten Barbieri
Whitney Breneman
Lyndsey Corso
Brielle Edgell
Matt Enoch (coach)
Michael L. Gray (coach)
Brandy Grenauer
Jeff Hartman (coach)
Tom Hartman (coach)
Taylor Hatt
Tori Hatt
Nicky Hess
Amanda High
Abby Hoover
Kaitlyn Houseal
Samantha Houseal
Morgan Kibler
Emily McNiff
Jennifer Swarr
Danielle Truett


8th Class - Inducted 1/2014
Beth A. Gainer
Tyrome E. Smith

1978 Football Team - Inducted 1/2014
Scott Adams
Melvin Basham
Steve Bowman
Randy Derr
Gayne Deshler
Bill Dishart
Jeff Duke
Kevin Eshleman
Rodney Fellenbaum
Gene Funk
Douglas Geltmacher
Abdullo Hernandez
Michael Houseal
Dennis Iezzi
Scott Jones
Jeff Kauffman
Jeff Keener
Tim Keffer
Tom Knorr
Darin Kolp
William Lambert
John Longenecker
Steve Meszaros
Arlen Mummau
Leonard Mummau
Brian Newcomer
Brian Ney
Jim Perry
Keith Persun
Dwayne Portner
Darryl Shank
Jim Shrum
Phil Spickler
Fred Straub
Tom Weber
Robert Welcomer


9th Class - Inducted 1/2015
Terri Meszaros Booth
Marty Miller Daggett
Dan May
Curtis “Pete” Splain

1992 Relay Team - Inducted 1/2015
Kurt Heiserman
Matt Little
Charlie Mowrer
Allen Retherford
William F. Wrede


10th Class – Inducted 1/2016
Beth Keffer Duke
Marty Heisey
Darrel Risberg
Becky Reinhold Souders
Bernard Thome

1968-69 Boys’ Basketball Team - Inducted 1/2016
Bill Burris (manager)
Al “Rick” Duarte
Charlie Engle
Herb Hess
Tom Houseal
Ken Keener (coach)
Robert McCowin
Jeff Shank
John F. Shrum, Jr.
Steve Sload
Bruce Sutter
Stanley Tucker


11th Class – Inducted 1/2017
Kris Harmes
Christopher Heisey
Tanya Merchant

2009 & 2010 Girls’ Soccer Teams – Inducted 1/2017
Rita Amato
Shaista Bhatti
Molly Brubaker
Ashley Geltmacher
Kirsten Gochnauer
Blaine Gorman (coach)
Alyssa Gower
Emily Green
Kayleigh Hershey
Mollie Hoffman
Jamie Hunter
Jenna Hunter
Laura Kassab
Heather Kemp (head coach)
Brittany Knouse
Elyssabeth Libhart
Mary Lynam
Jennifer McFarland
Alecia McNiff
Lizzie Mummau
Morgan Ober
Nicki Persun
Kelsey Ramer
Jovita Richardson
Jessy Shober
Alex Smith
Scott Steffen (coach)
Kelly Thomas (coach)
Hannah (Weyland) Thompson


12th Class – Inducted 1/2018 
Kevin Bradley
Jamie Floyd
Ben Kling
Vickie Greiner Reese
Cliff Shank

1955 and 1956 Boys’ Tennis Teams
Jack Beaston
Robert Buchenauer
James E. Craul
Harold Etsell, Jr.
Ronal P. Gotwalt
Charles O. Groff
Jay Metzler
Peter Nissley
Vernon S. Oberholtzer


13th Class – Inducted 1/2019
Kelsey Buffenmyer-McNeal
John L. Felix, Jr.
Duane Koser
J. Alan Kugle
Michael S. Madara

1970 Baseball Team - Inducted 1/2019
Al Brooks (Coach)
Thomas Derr
Douglas Lee Estock
Dennis Frank
Dennis Hay
John Henry
Lynn Hoffman
Tom Houseal
Butch McCurdy
Donald Musser
Scott C. Penwell
John F. Shrum, Jr.
Donald Staley (Head Coach)
Bruce Sutter


14th Class – Inducted 1/2020
Laura Gebhart
Paul Halterman
Nicky Hess
Steve Meszaros

1979 Wrestling Team - Inducted 1/2020
Larry Becker, Jr.
Jeff Bell
Steve Bowman
Frank Brommer
Kenneth Davis
Bill Dishart
Scott Emenheiser
Russel Flowers
Larry L. Frey
Gene Funk (Coach)
Kevin Geib
Mike Greiner
William Hall
Brent L. Hershey
Craig Johnson
Scott T. Jones
Jeff Keener
Tom Konas (Coach)
William D. Lambert
Phillip Landis
Philip Mellinger
Steve Meszaros
Jeffrey Mull
Arlen W. Mummau
Leonard Mummau
Duane Musser
Dwayne Portner
Richard Sheetz
Kenneth Smith
Philip Spickler
Curtis “Pete” Splain
Reuben Stoutzenberger
Cliff Sweigart
Kenton Sweigart
Phil Thome
William Thome
Mark Underkoffler
Tom Weber
Rudy Wolgemuth